30. Filmfestbeteiligung für OMUL

Neue Nominierung für OMUL!  Rochester Film Festival, New York/USA, den ältesten Kurzfilm-Festival der Welt, der ununterbrochen seit 1959 stattfindet. Der Film wird im „GEORGE EASTMAN HOUSE“ gezeigt, dem renommierten Museum für Fotografie und Film aus Rochester.

Hier die Begründung der Auswahlkommission:

“ We were impressed with the profound fundamental premise, and your craftsmanship carried it through into an engaging little film. One is not often presented with the question of one’s own true nature, and you are to be congratulated for accomplishing this. We found ourselves provoked, as we know you intended.

The opening sequence of the walk through the town was cited by many of our reviewers as an exceptional piece of work.

The acting, particularly of the lead actor, was fine, and contributed greatly to the success of the film. The score was well integrated and supportive and beautiful as well.“
